Thursday, March 25, 2010

Research Update

To all my wonderfully appreciated volunteers:

So far there are 50 of you. That means we're half way to the magic 100 needed for this research to be approved by my thesis advisor. I haven't posted the survey yet because I'm waiting to reach 100 people before putting it up. If you know of anyone who may be interested, or anyone who may not be interested but owes you a big favor, just tell them about my project. YES WE CAN! (haha...just thought I'd throw that in there for a little Democrat humor.)

On that note, I'd like to make an official disclaimer so that you are well aware of my biases. I am a Mormon Democrat. Yes, they exists. We are a rare breed on the verge of extinction, but alive nonetheless. That being said, some of my political opinions will probably be contrary to many of your personal political beliefs. Please know that these are just my opinions, not to be taken personally. What will make this research rich and meaningful is to have healthy dialogue on political issues. Please don't be afraid to post your comments, especially if you disagree with my viewpoint on a given issue. Really. Nothing will be taken personally, promise. And if you're worried about offending me (which you won't), you can always comment anonymously.

Thanks again, everyone...


  1. Hey Steph! I will participate in your research. Don't worry I'm pursuing poli sci at UH, and am not easily offended...just used to disagreeing with people. Which is actually how I think it should be. Thankfully we are not all alike. :) my email:

  2. Hi there :)
    I rec'd an email from a friend letting me know you needed a volunteer. I would be more than happy to help you and guess what--I'M A MORMAN DEMOCRAT, TOO!!! I loved your disclaimer :)My email is

  3. Hey Steph- i have a lot of people interested in specifics about the new Health Care 'Obamacare'- myself included. Do you know much about it?

  4. Steph - I am a friend of Rachel's in LA and I am really interested in what you're doing here and glad to join in! I also am instantly happy to find another Mormon Democrat. :) Maybe it's b/c I'm a convert and was a dem beforehand, but still I love finding others out there. Good luck with everything.

  5. I'd love to help you out. Jut let me know what you need me to do.

    Crystal B

  6. I'd be happy to help in your research. (I'm one of Brooke McCoy's Bama friends.)

  7. HI! I'm one of Brooke McCoy's readers. I'm originally from Alabama but live in Texas. I too am a Democrat, not Morman, but Methodist. Tell me what I need to do. I'd be happy to help.

  8. I want to! I want to!!! Sign me up... sounds like fun~

  9. I'm friends with Emily Chamberlain and if she likes you, I like you! I would love to participate in your research. Sounds like fun. Let me know what you need me to do. Do I need to become a follower?

  10. I am so happy that your getting good response Steph! I am Mormon and undecided on a political party. I really like to listen to what each candidate has to say and i decide based on that. I probably would have voted Republican on the last election, but there were several points of Obamas (first and foremost his Health Care efforts) that I agreed with. Many I STRONGLY disagreed with. I guess we'll see how it all turns out!

  11. I would love to help out with your research!! Let me know what I can do.

  12. Hi Steph, I don't know you personally but I am part of the Puzey fan club - you've got to be primo if you married into the tribe! Your research topic sounds really interesting. Sign me up!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
