Wednesday, March 17, 2010

dear "solids": I love you. Love, Harper

Yesterday we started feeding Harper "solid" food. We gave her mushed bananas for breakfast, nectarines and plantanes for lunch (Rivers' concoction, which proved to be Harper's fave so far), and rice cereal for dinner. This morning she had rice cereal for breakfast and mango for lunch. Then I found out that you're supposed to introduce different foods slowly so that the baby's system has time to adjust. Woops. Whatever. Harper is so into eating "solids" (I insist on putting solids in quotations because to me, viscous fruit puree is hardly solid) and I think she appreciates the variety.

When we first introduced the spoon to her mouth, she tried to suck the food as though it were milk. But after a few messy spoonfuls, she got the hang of it and became a pro. Now she grabs our hands and tries to force the spoon into her mouth as though she can't get enough of this whole new world of mushy fruits and grains. I have to admit that I tried each of her meals, and they're pretty tasty. I guess the only downside to Harper's whole new world is that her poop has lost that cute, fresh baby smell. Today, not long after feeding Harp her mangoes, I asked Rivers if he was hard-boiling eggs. Although this would be highly unlikely since Rivers hates hard-boiled eggs, I love them and thought that maybe he was treating me to some huevos. Nope. Turns out it was just Harper's new smelly diaper. Something to look forward to...
P.S The pic of Harper surrounded by a pillow fortress and covered with a net is her personally-tailored protection against dengue fever.


  1. doesnt look like the bib provided much protection.Were you really aiming for her mouth??

  2. Harper is actually beginning to look a lot like you Steph!
