Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the betrayal of Harper: vaccine day

Today was the worst day of Harper's life. Keeping in mind that she was stuck in the birth canal for an hour and a half, received 2 vaccines moments after entering this world, has eaten at least 5 ants and sleeps in a hammock, I think this is saying a lot. We woke up early this morning to take her to get her first "real" set of vaccines at the free clinic down the street. Because she's already been accidently scratched by my nails, hit in the head on numerous occasions with the metal clasp of her pacifier and seems to find amusement in head-butting my teeth, I thought that the pain of a shot would be a breeze for her. Not. As I confidently layed her down on the construction paper-covered bed and firmly held her knee as the nurse directed, Harper gave me a "Yo mom, what's up" look. Like it ain't no thang, just hanging out with the doc's B-word. She seemed cool and collected. When the nurse swiftly plunged the needle into Harper's ample thigh, her expression quickly changed into one of utter confusion while simaltaneously doing the move I call "The Starfish" (arms stretched as far as they can stretch, fingers spread wide apart). As the nurse began the actual injection, her look was along the lines of "What the heck (she's a Mormon baby) is going on here, mom? I thought you said this would be fun?!!" This inaudible assertion was followed by the most hearbreaking, red-faced scream I have ever heard. You know, the kind that has a five second interlude of silence between wails. Her little face scrunched up and her legs drew into her stomach in a display of utter, unprecedented pain. Of course my eyes welled with tears and I quickly scooped her up and held her. The nurse gave me a pathetic look. She's obviously not a mom.
Harper was fussy for a few hours, then slept the rest of the day aided by some good old fashioned Tylenol. The first 2 pictures represent her overall demeanor today, although I have to say that she gave me some nice smiles when I came home from school...


  1. you are officilly now in the Mum's Club.

  2. POOR BABY GIRL!!! Seriously I don't know who it is worse for, you or her?? The immense tension during the silence before the storming screams is so sad!! She is amazing Steph! BEAUTIFUL!

  3. ha. I had an urge to kick the nurse in the teeth. good thing matty was there to run interference... the worst is the look she gives you as the needle goes in: the "you have betrayed me on the deepest level mom." sheesh.

  4. "What the heck? She's a Mormon baby." Best line. Hilarious.

    And yes, you described the experience perfectly. It's so sad to see their facial expressions looking at you like "What are you doing to me, Mom?" I'm glad she was okay and wasn't too fussy for the rest of the day.
