Okay. Back to the Future hoverboards are cool, but I can only go so far back because let's face it: we have a pretty exciting life. So, let's start with this summer and our third (yes, as in 3) wedding reception at Chazy Lake.
At 6 months pregnant, I wasn't particularly stoked to squeeze into my wedding dress (which turned out to be wishful thinking. I couldn't even fit it over my huge, massive, gargantuan rack.) So, to save me the humiliation and the general confusion over whether this reception was for a shotgun wedding, we decided to have a casual "wedding celebration", Chazy Lake style.
It was awesome. My mum worked so hard to organize such a fun party. We had tons of food (which didn't help my wedding dress situation. Or my rack situation. Boobs are made of fat, you know), tons of great people and so much fun. Rivers mum and 2 of his brothers even made the long trip from Oregon to celebrate with us. Bob and JoAnne were amazing and basically hosted the whole thing. I even took Harper water-skiing in utero. Probably not the most responsible decision, but come on, have you read my first blog?
So, despite the fact that Iwas a Fattie McFatFat,we all had a really, really great time.
A jolly good time was had by all