Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Unsolved Mysteries

Our little family has fallen into a nice routine. Harper goes to sleep around 6pm, Rivers goes to bed around 8 and I stay up till 11 to do homework and to feed Harper so that she sleeps longer through the night. Rivers wakes up to feed her around 3 or 4 (sometimes 5 if we're really lucky) then goes running, and I get up when Harper wakes up for the day, usually sometime around 6 or 7. The other night, after Harper and Rivers had gone to bed, I stayed up to work on a paper ( which means about 20 minutes of work, 10 mintes of facebook, 10 minutes of blogging, maybe a pee, maybe a snack, maybe some music...) When 11 o'clock rolled around, I went into our room to find Rivers and Harper asleep next to each other on the bed, both their heads laying on a pillow and Rivers' hat wedged under Harper's side, presumably so she wouldn't roll off the bed. Oh, and Harper's head had been carefully nestled in a neck pillow. Obviously some great care and finesse had been put into Harper's comfortable positioning. I really really wanted to take a picture, but didn't want to wake them.

The next morning after Rivers returned from his run, I commented on how cute it was to see he and Harper sleeping next to each other, to which Rivers gave me a bewildered look.

R: What do you mean? She was in her crib, right?

S: Ummm.. Haha... Ya, I put her to sleep in her crib, but when I came in she was stategically placed beside you in bed.
R: Did you put her there?

S: No...You did, obviously.

R: No I didn't.

**at this point I didn't know whether to laugh or be extremely concerned**

S: Are you joking?

(I've been known to furvently believe some pretty outrageous things. Jackalopes? Definitely real for a few weeks. Norwall? Skeptical. Narnia's White Witch? Undecided.)

R: No. (He really wasn't joking)

S: Well I didn't, and I'm gonna go ahead and say that Harper didn't execute the manoever on her own so...?

R: Nope. I don't remember doing that at all.

S: This isn't like the Jackalope thing, is it?

R: No, I promise. I really don't remember doing anything like that.

The mystery remains unsolved, although Rivers is known to do some pretty amazing things in his sleep...


  1. Narwhal---definitley exist.Wikepedia says so.
    I wonder if the Harper-in-bed mystery will ever be solved? And i wonder if it will happen again? Time to get a Closed Circuit camera!!

  2. ha... too funny. i'm quite sure one awesome daddy gently placed one beautiful chunky monkey in said bed. nothing better than looking {from an unseen location/perspective} to view the ones you love. unconditional love, pretty amazing stuff! oh, i also loved your "breakdown" of homework.. too true and funny all at the same time... have a good one and tell tommy hello for me!

  3. BAH HA HA HA!!! Are you kidding me?? Someone has got to fess up! Either that or Rivers can do some crazy things in his sleep! At least once a week I wake to Josh digging through the sheets or grabbing at me because he thinks Channing is suffocating in the sheets or falling off the bed. :( So sad. Especially because Channing has never slept with us. ha ha ha
